In recent years, "Woke Christianity" has emerged as a significant cultural force, blending progressive ideologies with biblical language. While it claims to promote justice and inclusivity, this movement often compromises the foundational truths of Scripture. The...
Doctrinal Foundations
Who is God? Understanding the Character and Nature of God in the Bible
Have you ever wondered who God truly is? This question lies at the heart of humanity’s quest for meaning, purpose, and connection. Knowing who God is more than just simple philosophy; it’s a spiritual journey with eternal significance. As the Bible reveals, God’s...
The Sabbath Fulfilled: Are Christians Required to Keep It Today?
Have you ever questioned whether Christians are still required to keep the Sabbath as part of their obedience to God? The truth lies in understanding what Jesus meant when He said He came to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17). In the original Greek, “fulfill” and...
Christians’ Responsibility Toward the Jewish People: Biblical Principles and the New Covenant”
Christians have a profound responsibility toward the Jewish people, grounded in biblical principles and the New Covenant established through Jesus Christ. This responsibility is rooted in love, respect, and recognition of God's eternal covenant with Israel. Here are...
Why Christians Are No Longer Under the Law of Moses: A Biblical Analysis of Luke 24:44–49
44 Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the...
The Gap Theory Debunked: Why Genesis Leaves No Room for a Prehistoric Ruin-Reconstruction Narrative
Could the Bible’s creation account hold a hidden gap of billions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Advocates of the Gap Theory claim so. But when we dig deeper, using the inductive method of Bible study, the theory crumbles under the weight of Scripture itself. In...
Understanding the Biblical Role of a Pastor: A Comprehensive Examination of Scripture and Greek Terminology
The role of a pastor is one of the most critical and sacred offices within the Church. Despite its significance, misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the office abound, especially regarding its relationship to terms such as bishop, elder, and presbyter....
Unstoppable Church: The Militancy of the Ekklesia
Unstoppable Church: The Militancy of the Ekklesia Spiritual Warfare in Advancing God’s Kingdom The Militancy of the Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ The militancy of the Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ is a profound and dynamic aspect of the church’s mission and...
The Miraculous Birth of the Church and Its Mission
The Church: God’s Eternal Plan Fulfilled in Christ God’s vision for His Church—His ekklesia, the called-out ones—was not an afterthought. It has been His eternal purpose from the beginning. Rooted in Old Testament prophecy, revealed through Jesus Christ, and empowered...